Bucks County, Pennsylvania


Online Dog Licensing

To renew your licenses (if you purchased a license last year),
  1. Click "Renew Last Year's License" in the License Renewal box on the right.
    NOTE: At checkout, you will be asked for either the Renewal ID and Online Code from the renewal reminder you received in the mail, or last year's license number.
  2. To add new dogs, come back to this page & find the license you need & click "Add to Cart".
  3. When you have all the licenses you need, click the "Check Out" button from within the shopping cart to complete the purchase and registration

To register your dog (if you were not a pet owner last year),
  1. Scroll to the bottom of this page & find the license you need & click "Add to Cart".
    NOTE: At checkout, you will be a 'New User'.
  2. When you have all the licenses you need, click the "Check Out" button from within the shopping cart to complete the purchase and registration

Licenses are sent through the mail. Please allow seven business days for processing and delivery.

Scroll Down to View Fees and Purchase or Renew Licenses

License Renewal

Please refer to the licenses given below for a fee breakdown.

Use this if you purchased licenses last year.

Renew Last Year's License (convenience fees apply as below)

Regular Registration

Male / Female
Base Fee: $8.70
Online Fee: $2.00
Total: $10.70Add to Cart

Senior Citizen or Person
with Disability Registration

Male / Female
Base Fee: $6.70
Online Fee: $1.75
Total: $8.45Add to Cart
To qualify as a Senior, you must be 65 years of age or older. To qualify as a Person with Disability, you must acknowledge the following affidavit indicating your qualification under its terms.

Copyright © Online Dog Licensing  ·  All rights reserved  ·  www.OnlineDogLicensing.com